What’s New

Old River Lane - Planning Applications withdrawn by Cityheart
PROPOSAL: Outline planning application (with all matters reserved apart from layout and access) for mixed-use development of 5 development plots and sub-plots comprising retail (use class E), commercial (use class E) and up to 225 no. residential units (including up to 75 no. extra care units) (all use class C3), along with an Arts Centre (comprising leisure, community, and ancillary uses and facilities) (sui generis), the creation of new and improvements to existing streets, footpaths and public spaces, and associated works (including car parking, landscaping, drainage works) continued... Updated 07.09.23

Old River Lane - A progress report
The Old River Lane Working Group is not opposed to the development of the Old River Lane site. We acknowledge the local plan policy (BISH8) releasing this land for development including housing, ground floor workspaces, shops and restaurants. We also recognise that the new Green/Liberal Democrat administration at East Herts District Council (EHDC) has inherited a complex and challenging project where a lot of work has been done with an existing commercial partnership. However, we are concerned at the newly appointed ORL Delivery Board’s recent decision to proceed with the project largely unchanged and unchallenged. This paper aims to clarify the position in more detail and to offer some transparency... continued Updated 01.08.23

I am writing on behalf of the Bishop's Stortford Civic Federation to object to this application. We note that the proposal has attempted to address the reasons leading to refusal of the application made in 2022 (3/22/1761/FUL). It is now for only 9 dwellings, thus avoiding the requirement for the provision of affordable housing...continued Updated 23.07.23

Bishop’s Stortford Station Ticket Office Consultation
I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation (BSCF) to set out its objections to the proposed closure of the ticket office at Bishop's Stortford station, covered by the Greater Anglia train company. BSCF represents residents’ associations and member households in Bishop’s Stortford. Access to rail products and advice We believe closure of the Bishop’s Stortford station ticket office would mean passengers would no longer have easy access to the purchase of all rail products and best value fares. In addition, ticket office staff provide a vital service ...continued Updated 20.07.23

The Goods Yard
The Goods Yard – BISH7 Planning Application 3/17/2588/OUT This development will not be completed according to the planning permission granted in 2018, primarily because Network Rail has decided to retain the siding close to the disused signal box. A revised application and masterplan has been submitted, click for BSCF comments regarding the Traffic Assessment submitted with the application. Updated 07.11.22

United Reform Church Hall, Water Lane - ACV
BSCF successfully requested EHDC (who own the building) to make the Water Lane Hall an Asset of Community Value, this happened in September. In October, a Community Right to Bid was submitted. Present plans for the hall are to it being demolished and replaced by additional car parking on the ORL development. Local interested groups have created a campaign under the heading Friends of Water Lane Hall (FoWLH ) to save and refurbish the hall to create an Art and Entertainment hub. For full details on how to subscribe and/or to assist with the campaign www.waterlanehall.org/ Updated 07.11.2022

Bishop’s Stortford South, Thorley House, Whittington Way & Wrenbridge Transport Hub at St James Way
Many people will know that the most controversial aspect of the Bishop’s Stortford South development of land released from the Green Belt for housing and schools was last year’s planning application by Wrenbridge for development of the large, 3.5 hectare, area of ‘Employment Land’ and HGV movement 24/7. There is also now an application for more housing off Whittingham Way. Click to read the update planning comments by BSCF... Updated June 2023

Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Neighbourhood Plan for Silverleys and Meads wards (1st revision) 2021-2033 and Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Neighbourhood Plan for All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley (1st revision) 2021-2033
The Bishop’s Stortford Town Council undertook a limited revision of the two Neighbourhood Plans to bring them up to date. The principal changes that we are proposing comprise: New sections on Climate Change and the Town Centre Extensive revisions to the sections on Green Infrastructure and Transport Lesser revisions to other sections of the plan including changes so that policies (except site-specific policies) are the same for the whole town. Adopted July 2022 continued

Old River Lane Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
As supplementary guidance, an SPD does not have the weight of adopted development plan policies in the East Herts District Plan or Neighbourhood Plans; however it does have weight as a material consideration in assessing the quality of proposals as they evolve and in decision making on planning application. Adopted November 2022 ... continued Updated Nov.2022