BSCF Comment on technical note relating to unacceptable congestion at Boys High School site
Development ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsHertfordSG13 8EQ 25 May 2020Dear Sir or Madam THE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL (TBSH)Your ref: 3/20/0151/OUT – Outline planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and all matters reserved apart from vehicular access to and from London Road and to and from Thorley Hill Primary School for the erection of up to […]
BSCF Objection to Reserved Matters Application for Boys High School Site
Mr Chay DempsterSpatial Planning and Economy UnitCHN216, County HallHertfordSG13 8DN 10 April 2020Dear Mr Dempster BISHOP’S STORTFORD SOUTH (BSS)THE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL (TBSH)Your ref: PL/0129/20 – A reserved matters application (covering layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the construction of a new 6FE secondary school (D1), car parking, cycle storage locations, minibus drop off, playing fields, […]
BSCF Objection to Planning Application for Boys High School Site
By EmailDevelopment ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 3 March 2020THE BISHOPS STORTFORD BOYS HIGH SCHOOL (TBSHS)Your ref: 3/20/0151/OUT – Outline Planning Permission for the erection of 223 dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping, and vehicular access. Dear Sir or Madam I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to object to this […]
Letter from Colin Arnott regarding secondary school at BSS
Shared with the BSCF with Colin Arnott’s permissionBISHOP’S STORTFORD SOUTH (BSS)THE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL (TBSH)Your ref: PL/0129/20 – A reserved matters application (covering layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the construction of a new 6FE secondary school (D1), car parking, cycle storage locations, minibus drop off, playing fields, multi-use games area, surface water attenuation measures […]
BSCF letter to East Herts Council requesting council not to approve the master plan to redevelop the Boys’ High School site
Rebecca DobsonDemocratic Services ManagerEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 26 January 2020Dear Ms Dobson THE BISHOP’S STORTFORD BOYS HIGH SCHOOL I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to request that the Council does not approve the masterplan for the redevelopment of this site at its extraordinary meeting on 29 January. Our reasons […]
BSCF email in response to the statutory consultation on the disposal of the current site of the Boys’ High School
Messrs Vincent and Gorbin4 December 2019 DISPOSAL OF CURRENT SITE I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation in response to the statutory consultation being undertaken on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Boys’ High School (TBSHS) about the proposed disposal of its existing site, following on from its proposed move to a […]
BSCF objection to the application to the County Council to relocate the Boys High School to Bishop’s Stortford South
Mr Chay DempsterSpatial Planning and Economy UnitCHN216 County HallHertfordSG13 8DN 26 May 2019 BISHOP’S STORTFORD SOUTH (BSS)THE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL (TBSHS)Your ref: PL/0095/19 I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to object to this application. I should say at the outset that we object to the principle of developing the BSS […]