BSCF request to defer planning application for land south of Patmore Close
By EmailDevelopment ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 30 March 2020Your ref: 3/20/0432/REM – Application for reserved matters in relation to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 163 one, two, three and four bedroom houses and apartments plus associated infrastructure and public open space, granted outline planning permission under ref: 3/14/2144/OP. Land To The South Of […]
BSCF reply to response from East Herts Council relating to the Old River Lane site
By EmailMs Sara SaundersHead of Planning and Building ControlEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 1 June 2020Dear Ms Saunders OLD RIVER LANE (ORL), BISHOP’S STORTFORD Thank you for your letter of 28 May in response to mine of 12 March and 25 May. The Civic Federation are pleased to receive your confirmation that a Supplementary Planning […]
BSCF follow-up letter to East Herts Council on its roles relating to the Old River Lane site
By EmailRichard Cassidy EsqChief ExecutiveEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 25 May 2020OLD RIVER LANE (ORL), BISHOP’S STORTFORD I first wrote to you about the proposals for this site on 13 January 2020 to ask what arrangements the Council had in mind to comply with the requirement in the District Plan to publish and consult on […]
BSCF letter to East Herts Council on its roles relating to the Old River Lane site
By EmailRichard Cassidy EsqChief ExecutiveEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 12 March 2020Dear Mr Cassidy OLD RIVER LANE (ORL) BISHOP’S STORTFORD Thank you for your letter of 13 February in response to mine of 13 January, in which I asked you to confirm when the Council would be publishing and consulting on a Supplementary Planning Document […]
BSCF letter to East Herts Council on its roles relating to the Old River Lane site
Richard Cassidy EsqChief ExecutiveEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 13 January 2020OLD RIVER LANE (ORL), BISHOP’S STORTFORD I am writing to you as Chief Executive because the matters raised in this letter concern two separate and independent functions of East Herts Council. The first is the role it performs as the planning authority for the district, […]
BSCF email to Hertfordshire Country Council objecting to temporary road at Obrey Way
Mr Chay DempsterPrincipal Planning OfficerHertfordshire County CouncilCounty HallPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8DN 27 March 2020 Dear Mr Dempster PL/0124/20: Proposed construction of a temporary haul road from St James’ Way and Obrey Way to enable the construction of The Bishop’s Stortford High School I write on behalf BSCF to object to the planned haul road access off […]
BSCF email to East Herts Council making representations about application to build 61 dwellings east of Manor Links
Development ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 23 March 2020Dear Sir or Madam YOUR REF: 3/20/0245/FUL – Erection of 61 dwellings (including 24 affordable dwellings) accessed from Manor Links. I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to make representations about this application to build 61 dwellings east of Manor Links, Bishop’s Stortford. […]
BSCF letter to East Herts Council objecting to proposed advertising at Bishop’s Stortford South
By EmailDevelopment ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 7 August 2020Your ref: 3/20/1221/ADV – Erection of 2 panelled billboards of 3 parts. I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to object to this application. Three sites are proposed for the erection of advertising billboards and banners announcing planned housing developments at Bishop’s […]
Letter from Colin Arnott regarding secondary school at BSS
Shared with the BSCF with Colin Arnott’s permissionBISHOP’S STORTFORD SOUTH (BSS)THE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL (TBSH)Your ref: PL/0129/20 – A reserved matters application (covering layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the construction of a new 6FE secondary school (D1), car parking, cycle storage locations, minibus drop off, playing fields, multi-use games area, surface water attenuation measures […]
BSCF letter to East Herts Council requesting that council not approve plans for over 100 dwellings in Bishop’s Stortford North
By EmailDevelopment ManagementEast Herts CouncilWallfieldsPegs LaneHertfordSG13 8EQ 25 September 2020Dear Sir or Madam YOUR REFS:3/19/1237/FUL Residential development for 50 dwellings …3/20/1622/OUT Outline planning application for development of the site for 100 dwellings… I am writing on behalf of the Bishop’s Stortford Civic Federation to comment on these applications. I realise that the former application was […]